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What are the characteristics of suction-type low-pressure paint spray guns?

1. Good operational stability
The suction-type low-pressure paint spray gun has stability during operation. This stability is not only reflected in the spraying process, but also in the control of paint and air pressure. This stability makes the spraying work more accurate and reliable, and improves the efficiency and quality of the spraying operation.
2. Convenient paint and color change
Since the suction-type low-pressure paint spray gun adopts suction feeding, it is easy to change paint and color. If you need to change the paint or color, you only need to simply pour the new paint into the paint pot to start a new spraying work, which greatly shortens the time for changing paint and color and improves work efficiency.
3. Suitable for spraying small-area objects
Since the capacity of the paint pot is relatively small, it is more suitable for spraying small-area objects. In the spraying operation of small-area objects, the suction-type low-pressure paint spray gun can accurately control the spraying amount and spraying effect to achieve fine spraying operations.
4. The spraying amount varies greatly when the paint viscosity is different
When the paint viscosity is different, the spraying amount may vary greatly. This is because the change in paint viscosity will affect the fluidity and atomization effect of the paint inside the spray gun. Therefore, when using a suction-type low-pressure spray gun, special attention should be paid to the selection and control of paint viscosity to ensure the stability and consistency of the spraying effect.

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